PlayStation 5 Pro: Everything We Know So Far

PlayStation 5 Pro: Everything We Know So Far

Sat. 23 March 2024 - 12:21

The PS5 could be getting a big update soon with a new PS5 Pro. While the new console has not yet been officially confirmed, plenty of industry leaders suggest that the development process is underway and may be released later this year. 

The new pro version could feature some exciting features that will expand on the existing PS5 features. According to the leaks, the pro version of this device could feature aspects such as: 

  • High Storage Capacity 
  • Upscaling 
  • Up to 8K resolution 
  • Better ray tracing

One of the key changes that Sony might incorporate is the use of upscaling. This technology can significantly improve the graphics with the help of AI. If Sony incorporates this technology in their next-gen console, gamers will experience a big boost in terms of graphic performance. 

There are rumors about a more powerful PS5 called PS5 Pro. It might be much faster than the current PS5 and can handle 8K resolution and ray tracing better. 

This means sharper graphics and more realistic lighting effects in games.  However, it is important to note that these are just rumors for now and nothing has been officially confirmed by Sony. 

Sony PS5 Pro: Features and Specifications 

The PS5 Pro will likely be marketed to gamers who are looking for better and improved graphics. The new version is likely to have a stable frame rate but may appear the same as the original console. We saw this with PS4 and PS4 Pro; where both versions coexisted with one another. 

It is unlikely that PS5 Pro will offer any exclusive games on this platform. While we might see an improvement in terms of features and gameplay, we may not see any exclusives on the console; as was the case with PS4 Pro. It will pretty much play the game as PS5 with the DualSesne controller. 

Apart from that, the new console will also work well with the PSVR 2 Headset. Their VR could leverage the high-end features of the console and may help boost its performance altogether. 

Sony PS5 Pro: Release Date and Price 

This new console could be released in the second half of 2024 or early 2025. This would be over 4 years since the release of the original PS5 back in 2020. There have been plenty of sources who are hinting toward a release in November 2024. 

As far as the price is concerned, we do not have an official price. If we look at the previous releases, the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Pro were of the same price; each $399. However, Sony is not afraid to charge a premium price for new hardware, as we saw in the case of PSVR 2. 

Stay Updated with ZGames for More Updates 

The new PS5 Pro is not officially confirmed, despite plenty of leaks online. Make sure to stay tuned with ZGames to stay up to date regarding all the information on the latest gaming accessories and consoles.