Minecraft's Hidden Rules of Engagement

Minecraft's Hidden Rules of Engagement

Sat. 28 October 2023 - 12:19

Minecraft has been out there for over a decade now. Since its release, it has gathered millions of gamers across the world. During that time, the fans of the game have developed some unspoken rules and customs that we will take a look at today.

In terms of popularity, the game ranks among the highest-grossing video games of all time. Its popularity is due to its appeal to a wide variety of audiences such as children and adults alike.

Following the unwritten rules will ensure that you don’t get into any unnecessary trouble and get the best Minecraft experience. So without further ado, let’s get started:

  1. Never Dig Straight Down

In the Minecraft community, it is well known that you should not dig straight down or up. If you dig straight down, you are likely to run into lava, explosions, or caves. New players often make the mistake of digging straight down and it leads to instant death.

If you fall into the lava, you will not only die instantly but also lose all your inventory. Even if you dig straight and manage to find a cave, you will die from the fall damage. Therefore, it is advisable that you don’t dig straight and avoid dying unnecessarily.

  1. Start by Punching Wood

If you don’t get a starter chest, the best way to start gathering materials is to punch wood. In the game, you can take down trees with your bare fists which has become a meme in the Minecraft community.

Over time, you will get plenty of equipment to help you build farms and buildings. But it always starts by punching wood.

  1. Carry Wood with You

This may not seem like an important aspect to you but you would be surprised by how often you will need it. This is especially true if you want to go explore the caves. Torches are vital for your survival in these caves where you will face areas sprawling with mobs and skeletons. 

Since these caves have an abundance of coal, you can easily make torches. However, there is no wood there, which is why we recommend carrying wood with you when you explore these caves.

The wood can also be used to create shields to defend against skeletons who never seem to miss their targets.

  1. Multi-player is as Fun as Single Player

There are many games that have both; multiplayer and single-player modes. However, in most cases, one outshines the other. But in the case of Minecraft, both modes are equally appealing and loved.

In the single-player mode, the player has the liberty to make their own world and customize almost every aspect to their liking. The Multi-player mode is also similar where players can share resources and ideas and also play mini-games together.

  1. Don’t Kill the Villagers

Finding a village early on is an important aspect. Villages are a great way to get useful resources such as food and iron. You can also sleep there since they have plenty of beds. More importantly, you can even trade with the villagers. 

Trading can be a great way to get your hands on things you don’t have such as books. If you kill them all, then you might end up regretting that decision as in the future, you may not have any neighboring villages. Moreover, these villages usually have Golem protecting them which are hard to fight against.

  1. Everyone Should Try Mod at Some Point

Even though the Minecraft world is full of exciting features and has plenty of content, the players usually want more. That is why it has a huge modding community where they have something for everyone. No matter what the reason is, almost every Minecraft player tries the mods at some point.

  1. Spend Lots of Time on YouTube

Since Minecraft has plenty of complex mechanics and features, thousands of players continue to innovate different strategies within the game. While it is possible to develop these strategies from scratch, it is better to learn from the community itself.

You can watch plenty of gameplay and tactics available on YouTube to finetune your Minecraft skills. You can even copy their movements and make new buildings and structures in your Minecraft world.

  1. No Redstone on Dirt

One of the hardest things to learn in Minecraft is the Redstone. Usually, it takes players months to even make a first step in making a build on Redstone. There’s one unwritten rule that everyone should follow and that is to never use dirt on Redstone.

Endermen are the mobs that can pick up your blocks of dirt and carry it with them. Redstone builds take plenty of time to build and just taking one block can ruin the whole thing. Therefore, avoid using dirt on Redstone.